Sunday, September 15, 2013


Do you know that there is a vacancy for you somewhere?
An international organization, National Agency, Firms, Business Conglomorate, and reputable firm need someone to employ, partner with or consult. These firms are seriously in search for YOU because there is a present crises that only you can solve. How do i know this! The Scripture says in Romans 8:22 that " FOR WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE CREATION GROANETH AND TRAVAILETH IN PAIN TOGETHER UNTIL NOW."
Do you see what i'm seeing? They are groaning in pain because they are in need of you. Someone who is occupying the position you should is misbehaving and they need YOU to come to their rescue. Whaoooo. Look at what the Bible says in Hebrews 11:40 "GOD HAVING PROVIDED SOME BETTER THING FOR US, THAT THEY WITHOUT US SHOULD NOT BE MADE PERFECT". Haaaaaaaaa. That word is loaded. Can you pick what God is saying at all? they can not be perfect without You.
That Oil & Gas company cannot be made perfect without you. The 3 arms of Government need you to profer solution to the problem they are experiencing.
You may want to say Bro Niyi, how will i enter into these promises? The answer is, GET YOUR SKILLS SHARPENED. Don't just while away time. Let your today be better than your yesterday. Advance on your yestadays success and YOU WILL BE IN HIGH DEMAND ALL OVER THE WORLD. GOD BLESS YOU. MANIFEST!!! OMOLAIYE NIYI